Not Your Typical Executive Coaching Program for Decision Making Process Optimisation
Do you think you make your decisions rationally?
If you do, we guarantee that 90% of your decisions are not optimal. Simply because it means you don’t understand the process of making optimal decisions.
Businesses are run not by machines but by human beings. As humans, we make decisions emotionally yet justify them rationally.
You ARE a human being, and therefore you are subject to the “weather’ of human emotions. In order to make optimal decisions emotionally, one must have perfected the art of emotional awareness and PhysioEmoEnergetic Intelligence…
When we take on a new client, before venturing into business optimization processes, we first take our client on a journey of Self re-discovery through our unique method of transformational executive coaching.
You simply will not experience more profound coaching anywhere!
Don’t take our word for it. See what our clients say. Then book your complimentary strategy session and discover it for yourself.
If you cannot make optimal decisions for your life, how can you make optimal decisions for your business?
You simply don’t have the skills… YET!
If you have a certain discomfort about anything in life – how your body looks or feel, how your finances look or feel, relationships, career, anything, and you don’t do anything about this specific aspect of your life (whether because you don’t know how or don’t bother to learn how – learn by yourself or consult with someone to discover hows), it means you are not optimizing your life.
A life that is not optimal is never a happy life – it’s a life full of frustration and resentments… It might start as a minor sense of dissatisfaction, but the longer you live a life that is not optimal, the deeper this sense of dissatisfaction is felt… Society gives a name to the outcome of life is not lived optimal – depression, crisis etc.…
Any dissatisfaction points to a conflict.
Conflict points to Imbalance. Imbalance is never optimal.
The absence of balance points to the fact that your life is not optimal.
Dissatisfied about your career?
This means there is a conflict between your needs, desires, and fears. Conflict is an imbalance, meaning you have not optimized your career.
Dissatisfied with your finances?
This means there is a conflict – between your needs, desires, and fears. Conflict is imbalance, meaning you have not optimized your finances.
Dissatisfied with your love relationship or marriage?
This means there is a conflict – between your needs, desires, and fears. Conflict is imbalance, meaning you have not optimized your relationship
Dissatisfied about your health?
This means there is a conflict – between your needs, desires, and fears. Conflict is an imbalance, meaning you have not optimized your health.
Dissatisfied with your business revenue or profitability?
This means there is a conflict between your needs, desires, and skills. Conflict is an imbalance, meaning you have not optimized your business.
Doesn’t seem simple? Well, it’s because you have not optimized your thinking. And that’s precisely what we will be working on with you when you enroll in our Decision Making Optimization Coaching Program led by yours truly,
– me, Olga Kostrova.
- Optimization
- Automation
- Productization
- Digital transformation
My consultants consult and implement, but before that, I coach the heck out of my clients, and they LOVE IT! Yes, my team will transform your business and multiply your revenue and profitability.

We took several companies
- From zero to $3 mln in under 12 months,
- From $10mln to $30 mln in over a year.
- Business owners go from unfulfilled and bored to happy and full of excitement, in a few coaching sessions.
See, business transformation is not an isolated process.
You will go through the optimization of your external world through optimization of your internal processes – thoughts, emotional reactions, and dominating emotional influences and patterns. You’re imbalanced therefore not optimal. Your beliefs, fundamentals, and attitudes that don’t take you where you want, are not optimal.
And yes, you can doubt it and procrastinate for as long as you wish, but where (with what) does it leave you? What do you get out of it, besides dissatisfaction and absence of fulfillment and meaning?
Just look around… See all those unhappy people around? Yes, including those who are “wealthy,” or those who appear to be happy on Facebook, Instagram, and all other social (or anti-social?) media; who appear happy till you deeply look into their eyes and perceive hidden and denied sadness and sense of emptiness…
Why are people unhappy?
Very simple, because they are living a life that is not optimal FOR THEM. They are living a lie, basically. It’s that simple.
They were brainwashed, that if they do that they get that, and then they discover that it’s a lie. But they are afraid of change. Are you too afraid to change?
So, they keep the wheel turning, living on autopilot, feeling emptier and emptier as time goes, more dissatisfied, unfulfilled.
If you are not happy at 10 out of 10, it’s because you are stuck in a life that is not optimal.
See, what one might not understand it’s that life is a game… A great illusion…
Look at chess, for example. You play to “win.” What is your prize? An optimal outcome, whatever it means for your individual being…. Like in chess, you are focused on each move to be an optimal one and then, there is a great victory.
In life, and I see it every day, people become lazy, complacent. They chose what is easy, not what’s optimal. But an easy move which is usually an absence of a choice and an action… The most comfortable moves most often don’t lead to optimal outcomes and with that to optimal lives.
And I am not suggesting that optimal actions are the hardest ones. Not at all… They are often quite easy, yet not as easy as complacent “doing nothing”… There is still an effort in each action, even a simple slight effort of making a choice – to act when you don’t feel like it, or even contrary – not to act while it feels like to act (usually react).
So, why are people not choosing to take optimal steps on their life journey?
Are we all so stupid?
No, not really… I have been coaching for over a decade many brilliant people, actually, many admirably intelligent ones…
But see, often intelligence is mechanical. Our minds are very programmatic.
So, if it’s not a matter of intelligence, then are we so self-destructive to take missteps in our lives that leave us to never-ending dissatisfaction? Is that how we have been programmed?
Well, that’s the beginning of a very interesting conversation… And I will be happy to engage in it with you as you have your 1on1 with me (yes, you can book it free of charge, if you are interested in this work – you can schedule it here).

Meanwhile, let’s just be mesmerised by the work of “God” (if that’s the baseline for your conception of the universe) or the masterpiece created by evolutionary processes…There is a method to creation’s madness… The trick is to reverse-engineer it, understand the fundamental principles of Life, get to know the patterns of your mind and its effect on EVERYTHING… yes, everything…
So, is life that pragmatic? Not at all… Actually, the challenge of the human mind is in that our decisions are rarely pragmatic, even if they look as such on the surface. Remember, people don’t make decisions rationally. People make decisions emotionally… period. Again, we make decisions emotionally and justify them rationally…

So, the intelligent mind can create all sorts of justifications for non-optimal decisions, and those justifications can be so well constructed that even you will believe in them. But it’s make-believe, which has nothing to do with the truth.
The truth is – you, as we all, are driven by our desires and aversions, perceived needs (read, mainly preferences), and fears. You are reactive and compulsive, as we all are. Some more, some less.
The fact that we are making our decisions emotionally will NEVER CHANGE.
What will change, especially after you and I have done some inner work together, is your ability to understand the nature of your emotions, desires, separate needs from preferences, see how your desires and fears are formed and how they get in the way of optimal decisions and actions.
By understanding your emotional world that is fueled by the work of your mind, we can redirect, reframe and restructure your decision-making process by altering your emotional reality
The life of a human is very psychosomatic. Physicality affects the mind and vice-versa. So, what about spirituality?
We talk about the body and the mind. Where is the “God”, the “Divine”, the “Sacred” in all of that? Well, ironically, the answer is exactly that “In all of that”. What is not Devine? What is not Sacred?
Everything that is created, that is manifested – is. The question is – whether you see it, whether you admit it. Not seeing the truth as the truth is not optimal. Any self-delusion is a conflict, it’s the absence of balance… that is what?
Exactly. No balance = no optimal life.
The more we optimize our “external” life, the more balance we bring to our inner world. More balance we bring to internal, more optimal and balanced is external. All is interconnected. Yes, ultimately, on every level you choose – practical/worldly, or spiritual.
More optimal your life is, more optimal your relationship with reality is – more happiness, joy and love your “spread,” “manifest” – ultimately reconnect with, acknowledge in the world, became present with it, live as one with it – stop fighting, stop denying, stop resenting – stop causing discord, stop creating butterfly effect for violence in all forms.

Why is this work so important to me?
See, I lived so many lives, one might say. I experienced many more dramas one can squeeze in one life. 😉
I watched my body, and “soul” died many times. And my being kept choosing Life… To choose life under many circumstances I found myself in, I needed to understand life – to understand it, I needed to dissect it… Like a scientist, like a Buddha… No, I am not a Buddhist. I am not any “ist.” I just happened to have a similar journey to the one a man later called Buddha had ☺ Similar in the aspects of “self” and “beyond self” discovery…
To understand life, you need to break it down to the tiniest expressions till they all disappear…. And for a while, they did… And then you see human life from the eagle view… You see the dance, the arising and subsiding of individual lives and all manifested life forms and then you can, as if with a microscope, tune in on each individual life, the one that you call “mine” and all the other lives, those you by a habit called “lives of others”…
But this microscope can easily work on moving targets – you focus on a particular area of life and see discord, conflicts, misbalance. You see aspects of a life that are not optimal… And then… then you optimize it… Or help another to optimize it…It seems, somehow, it became the “purpose” of my life, well, let’s just say, a significant period of my life…
I played with many vocations – I created products, built businesses, mastered various art disciplines, managed “departments,” “compartments,” people in workspaces… And then, I just focused on one person at a time, one personal journey at a time… I became, what became popular to call such work – a coach…
Considering all aspects of work I did, some would call me a business coach, as that’s what needed to be optimized for them… Some – relationship coach, as that’s the areas that suffered from misbalance for those people, some – career coach, some – money coach, some – spiritual coach, some – … well, you got the drill…
Whatever name one gives to my work is partial, as life is 360 degree… So is my work… So, for the simplicity and your easy digestion of the work… let’s just call me – Life Optimization Coach… (Your life includes your business, the work is not exclusive or isolated).
I will still keep the word “coach,” as alternatives just don’t seem optimal… Guru? No way! Teacher? Nah – it’s not so much about teaching, more like facilitating the learning and self-discovery process… Expert? Nah – it’s not about my expertise, but about intuition (intuition means rapid pattern recognition and rapid prediction of most probable outcomes)… so, yes, intuitive recognition of areas in which one’s life is not optimal and leads to misery.
So, my job is to help you see what I see about your life, help you understand yourself and patterns that shape your life, and then… yes, precisely – reshape it… So THEN you can live an optimal life… and how will you know it? Easy breezy – you will stop feeling dissatisfaction, all notes in your life will be aligned to serve a magnificent orchestra, intuned with the intention of the creation… You will be healthier, happier, fulfilled, feel loved and loving… Live in joy and share joy… So, ready for your life optimization, and then your business optimization?
Let’s talk, yes, it’s on the house.
Let’s see where your life is not optimal… and then you can optimize it by yourself or engage with me to help you see what you cannot see… Even Lamborghini drivers have blind spots… Well, but that’s if they drive alone… if they are alone… But you don’t have to be…
…since people get so stuck in “first tell me how” (not optimal)… But for the sake of being compassionate to your habits, 😉 I created a “system” to optimize one’s emotional and physical representations. It’s a very healing sequence of processes; you can call it a body/mind healing modality that allows us to later optimize your external by first optimizing your internal processes (emotional reactions, unproductive and painful thoughts, beliefs that hold you back, errors of perception, etc.). You are welcome to check it out.
But don’t get lost in your research, as it will breed many false assumptions. Let’s talk instead. Just schedule a call and as you are doing so, fill in a quick checklist that comes as step 2 after you selected a convenient time on my calendar below.
HONESTLY, for yourself, answer all questions – on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 is the highest level of satisfaction), how would you rate various aspects of your life?
– it will take you 30 seconds… Ready?
Now, if you have been honest with yourself and didn’t exercise

patterns of denial, you live an optimal life only if for all questions, your answers are 10. Obviously, if any of your answers are less than 10 (maximum satisfaction), your life is not optimal.
You can’t argue with it, can you? 😉
Now, the question, of course, is, what are you going to do about it? Are you going to do what you have been doing till now – denying, justifying, and finding excuses for why it’s ok to live at 5, 6, 7, 8, or even 9 out of 10? Or are you going to step outside of the bars of the prison you created for yourself (as we all do) and face honestly the fact that some areas of your life need change?
Maybe you don’t know yet what needs to be done, and how you will do it, but take at least the first step – make a decision to do what it takes to optimize your life. And if you are ready, to be honest with yourself, stop pouting, blaming, and complaining, and instead get ready to endeavor on a journey of discovering your self-lies and avoidances, and changing your inner dynamics… and then changing your environment to meet your needs and desires… then, let’s talk…
Book your complimentary session with me today. And let’s optimize the heck out of your life.
Our Case Studies
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Corporate development growth strategies through systemic digital transformation
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Start-up revenue and operational metrics improvement for successful fundraising
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